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What would earth be like…if there were no trees?

Well, that might just be our future reality. Yes, our – yours and mine. And, it’s happening now. Forests are rapidly diminishing. More and more trees are cut down for space and resources. And with fewer trees comes more and more environmental changes, all for the worse. Trees are an important part of this planet.

I made this video when I was 11 years old and created this website. This is an ongoing, multi-year project for me.

It took me two whole homeschool days. First, I had to do research. Then, I had to find and edit the images I wanted; learn how to create the video slides; write the voice script; and record the voice-over myself. Hope you like it!

Watch this cool video to see how we can build a  forest with your help...planting trees or spreading the word about climate change.

But Jackson, why do I have to do anything? I mean, thousands of experts are working on it, right? Yes, that’s true. Thousands of experts are working on climate change and deforestation. However for our environment to change, we all need to do our part. There are too many people who think that the world’s problems will solve themselves. They won’t.

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"So, Jackson, what can I do? I’m not a grown up.” I know, that’s what I said. “I’m just a kid.”
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