"But that is exactly why days like Earth Day are so important. They shine light on the problems undermining our planet, so that we can address those issues before they get worse. They encourage us to act. They encourage us to make a change."
...Jackson, Founder, trees4humans.com
Join the Celebration with lots of activities throughout the trees4humans website. But this isn't just for April 2024, because Earth Day can be any day you do choose to do something that helps protect our planet - from picking up litter, to participating in local fundraisers, to learning more about our environment! To help you with celebrating Earth Day, we've designed several activities for kids aged Pre-K through high school.
Eco-friendly learning for kids preschool through high school.
Check out what we have...and the best part? It's all FREE:
Become an Eco-Explorer and earn your Certificate of Achievement. Get your Eco-Explorer Pledge to help protect the planet, too! All FREE and just for kids ages Pre-K to First Grade.
Become an Eco-Guardian (2nd to 6th grader) and get your Certificate of Achievement and sign the Eco-Guardian Pledge, too! All FREE!
Explore our DIY hands-on activities created by our 'team' (a former Preschool Teacher/Director and homeschooling parent, a 4th grade teacher, a 4th grade student, a middle school student and a homeschooling grandmother).
We've developed 18 activities and projects (STEAM and critical thinking skills) for varying ages and levels - all
related to climate change and information contained on Jackson's trees4humans website. We hope both children
and adults have fun learning-by-doing more about trees and climate change through these hands-on learning
Discover how a 4th grade teacher used Jackson's website for her students'
week-long Earth Day Celebration in 2023: creating individual wordsearches;
a website scavenger hunt; a tree planting fundraiser; an all-school assembly
freeze dance; a dirt parfait and individually-signed Earth Hero pledges.