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There's a lot of innovative programs and projects underway, so I wanted to share the latest exciting activities helping to fight climate change and what these groups are doing!

What is XPrize?


This is an organization dedicated to helping the future of a better world. And they do this through competitions. They give a prize, if you can come up with a solution and make an actual model addressing one of the problems they have identified. They have different categories for the competitions and prizes, e.g. shake up the global food system; innovations to solve pandemics;  understand and preserve rainforests; and for Carbon removal.

In terms of the Environment, their Climate and Energy category is home to multiple competitions with some truly interesting entrees. From a clean way to make concrete to a device that absorbs C02 molecules out of the air, XPrize is fostering a new generation of invention.

Both of these designs are incredibly innovative and I encourage you to visit the  XPRIZE site to learn more about the competition and the XPrRIZE Foundation.

X-prize 2024:

As of 2024, X-Prize is continuing to inspire inventors and innovators alike to continue working on important climate issues, with prizes such as a new 11 million dollar wildfire prevention contest, and a major five year, 119 million dollar water accessibility competition about ensuring access to clean water across the globe. Both are incredibly important for the world as a whole, and I strongly encourage you to take a look for yourself!


X-Prize started it's competition announced by the Foundation on Earth Day 2021. 


I do encourage supporting the XPRIZE Foundation not just for the climate change competition, because all the competitions they have are to make a better world for tomorrow. 

If you’d like to know why I think these prizes are so important to our generation, read my blog, Climate Innovators Inspire Our Generation, on this website.


If you'd like to learn more about this competition, go to

Their Mission:
Every single day we’re working to create a better world, a world of infinite possibilities. A more hopeful future for all. A world where everyone’s days are spent imagining, creating, and collaborating, not fearing and fighting. A world where everyone has access to clean water, nutritious food, affordable housing, effective learning, top-tier medical care and non-polluting, abundant energy. 
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The Earthshot prize is a series of five competitions founded by Prince William of Wales in five categories:

  • Protect and Restore Nature

  • Clean Our Air

  • Revive Our Oceans

  • Build a Waste-Free World

  • Fix Our Climate


Each competition awards a one million dollar (or  937,890.00 Eruos) prize, and the competitions repeat every year over the course of a decade, from 2021-2031. 


As of 2024, the Earthshots are back and going stronger than ever! They received over two thousand nominations from over a hundred countries, just about doubling what they received in 2023. Their newest awards ceremony will focus on promoting African ingenuity over the many climate-related issues that plagues those regions. The Earthshot awards will be held this coming November in Cape Town South Africa and you can tune into them with BBC One. Expect more updates once the winners are announced!

IWhen announcing this first Earthshot Prize in 2021, Prince Williams’ said this:

“People can achieve great things. The next ten years present us with one of our greatest tests – a decade of action to repair the Earth.”


If you’d like to know why I think these prizes are so important to our generation, read my blog, Climate Innovators Inspire Our Generation, on this website.

If you’d like to learn more about Earthshot, go to the website here.

The organization's goal: 
Inspiring climate action by engaging people in activities that immerse them in a positive empowering clean-tech message through their global challenge based on five Earthshots – ambitious goals for 2030 to fix our biggest environmental problems.

The Elevate Prize actually consists of three different awards:  


The Elevate Prize Get Loud Award provides $10,000 every month to a different grass routes organization – smaller local groups that affect their local area. Groups are nominated by everyday people like you and me.


The Elevate Prize Catalyst Award is granted to famous people who use their influence to do good, such as the Trevor Noah Foundation (founded by the comedian and late-night talk show host). This organization is a youth development program to help prepare youth for higher education or entry into the workforce.


Unlike the two previously discussed competitions, The Elevate Prize is a competition with over ten winners and $5 milion in funding and services. One example is Miami Water Keeper which works to provide clean water for all, while combatting climate change.

If you’d like to know why I think these prizes are so important to our generation, read my blog, Climate Innovators Inspire Our Generation, on this website.

To learn more about The Elevate Prize, go to their website here.

The organizations's goal:
To Make Good Famous – so that people can find, follow and celebrate impact leaders – and get inspired to drive progress themselves.
Their Mission: Every single day we’re working to create a better world, a world of infinite possibilities. A more hopeful future for all. A world where everyone’s days are spent imagining, creating, and collaborating, not fearing and fighting. A world where everyone has access to clean water, nutritious food, affordable housing, effective learning, top-tier medical care and non-polluting, abundant energy. 
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