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It’s important to understand that planting trees must be done in the right places, in the right way and with someone to maintain the trees.

Of course, you can plant trees in your own yard or in your neighborhood or even at your school. Research which species grow well in your climate. Look around and see which species are already doing well in your community.

Find local, regional or organizations in your state or - State  government agencies - that are working on planting more trees. We found two groups near where we live in Maryland by searching keywords like ‘planting trees near me’.



Arbor Day Foundation

The Nature Conservancy

National Forest Foundation

Resources we found to help plan a unit or curriculum on climate change (cost)
Find local groups that focus on the environment and climate change like these for the mid-Atlantic region in U.S.

Annapolis Green

Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay (New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and District of Columbia)

Find groups near you by searching for climate change, environment 'near me’ or find your own state’s Environmental or Natural Resources agency or department.

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